This module aims to reproduce the functionality of C flex in python.
from itertools import *
from copy import copy
__all__ = ['Error', 'TokenType', 'Token', 'SimpleToken', 'Lexer', 'nowrap',
'rule', 'silent', 'istart', 'xstart']
class Error(Exception): pass
class State:
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
for key, val in kwargs.iteritems():
setattr(self, key, val)
class MultiScanner:
"Similar to re.Scanner but with start conditions"
def __init__(self, lexicons, init_state=None, flags=0):
import sre_compile
import sre_parse
from sre_constants import BRANCH, SUBPATTERN
if init_state is None:
init_state = State()
if not hasattr(init_state, 'start'):
init_state.start = None
self.init_state = init_state
self.lexicons = lexicons
self.scanners = {}
for start, lexicon in lexicons.iteritems():
p, a = [], []
s = sre_parse.Pattern()
s.flags = flags
for phrase, action in lexicon:
p.append(sre_parse.SubPattern(s, [
(SUBPATTERN, (len(p)+1,
sre_parse.parse(phrase, flags))),
p = sre_parse.SubPattern(s, [(BRANCH, (None, p))])
s.groups = len(p)
self.scanners[start] = sre_compile.compile(p).match, a
def scan(self, string, pos=0):
state = copy(self.init_state)
scanners = self.scanners
while True:
start = state.start
match, actions = scanners[start]
m = match(string, pos)
if m is None:
if pos == len(string): return
print state.start
raise Error('Scanning error at %s' % pos)
action = actions[m.lastindex-1]
if action is None:
pos = m.end()
state.match = m
state.start = start
result = action(state, m.group())
pos = m.end()
if result is None:
yield result
class ScannerMaker(object):
"Helper class for Lexer"
def __init__(self, istart, xstart, init_state=None):
self.init_state = init_state
self.istart = tuple(istart)
self.start = self.istart + tuple(xstart)
self.scanners = dict((s, []) for s in self.start)
def add_rule(self, regexp, action, start=None):
if not start:
start = self.istart
for i in start:
self.scanners[i].append((regexp, action))
def get_scanner(self):
return MultiScanner(self.scanners, self.init_state)
def change_start(self, process, start):
if start in self.start:
def wrapped(state, val):
res = process(state, val)
state.start = start
return res
return wrapped
raise Error("Unknown start condition '%s'" % start)
class StartCondition(object):
def __init__(self, inclusive, name=None):
self.inclusive = inclusive
self.name = name
def __rshift__(self, other):
return StartList((self,)) >> other
def __rrshift__(self, other):
return rule(other) >> self
def __repr__(self):
return "<start condition %s>" % self.name
class StartList(object):
def __init__(self, start_seq):
self.start_seq = start_seq
def __rshift__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, StartList):
return StartList(self.start_seq + other.start_seq)
elif other is None or isinstance(other, StartCondition):
return StartList(self.start_seq + (other,))
r = rule(other)
r.start_seq += self.start_seq
return r
class Rule(object):
def __init__(self, regexp, silent=False):
self.regexp = regexp
self.silent = silent
self.start_seq = ()
def __rshift__(self, new_start):
self.new_start = new_start
return self
def __str__(self):
return self.regexp
class Token(object):
"""Token object as yielded by the Lexer.scan() generator function. It
has three useful attributes:
toktype: the token type (of class Lexer.tokentype);
val: the token's value (equal to strval unless the token was
processed in the tokeniser);
strval: the token's string value, usually the verbatim string
chunk that the token was made from.
def __init__(self, toktype, val, strval=None):
self.toktype = toktype
self.val = val
if strval is None:
self.strval = str(val)
self.strval = strval
def __repr__(self):
return "<token %s: %s>" % (self.toktype, self.val)
def __str__(self):
return self.strval
class TokenType(object):
"""Default value for tokentype."""
def __init__(self, name):
self.name = name
def __repr__(self):
return "<tokentype %s>" % (self.name)
def __str__(self):
return self.name
def token(self, val, strval=None):
"Create and return a new token"
return Token(self, val, strval)
def wrap(self, process):
"Wrap a process function"
TokenType = type(self)
def wrapped(state, val):
return self.token(process(state, val), val)
return wrapped
class SimpleToken(object):
"""A token which is its own token type. Can be useful for @nowrap'ed
process functions. Its name, val and strval are all equalTODO:
more detail"""
def __init__(self, name):
self.toktype = self
self.val = name
self.strval = name
self.name = name
def __repr__(self):
return "<simpletoken %s>" % self.val
def __str__(self):
return self.strval
class Lexer(object):
"""Subclass this class in order to define a new lexer. Here is a
simple example.
class Calc(Lexer):
order = 'real', 'integer' # 123.45 is a float!
separators = 'sep', 'operator', 'bind'
sep = silent(r'\s') # This won't produce tokens
integer = r'[0-9]+'
real = r'[0-9]+\.[0-9]*'
variable = r'[a-z]+'
operator = r'[+-/*]'
bind = r'='
def process_integer(state, val): return int(val)
def process_real(state, val): return float(val)
Token types are created automatically:
>>> Calc.variable
<tokentype variable>
>>> print Calc.variable
Tokens can be created if needed (but usually just obtained through
>>> varx = Calc.variable.token('x')
>>> varx
<token variable: x>
>>> print varx
Use the scan() method to tokenise a string. It returns an
iterator over all the tokens in the string.
>>> list(Calc.scan('a = 3.0*2'))
[<token variable: a>, <token bind: =>, <token real: 3.0>,
<token operator: *>, <token integer: 2>]
The val attribute of real tokens is a float thanks to the
process_real() function.
tokentype: a type to create tokens. The default is
lexing.Tokentype and if overriden it should inherit from it or
implement the same interface
init_state: the value of the state object when tokenising starts.
This state object is passed on to process functions and it
should be possible to change its attributes. By default it is
an empty instance of lexing.State.
separators: a sequence of names of tokens which are separators.
If not defined, all tokens are considered separators. A
non-separator token must be surrounded by separators.
order: a sequence of token names in order of priority. If two
token types match the current position, then the first one in
this list will be chosen.
To create a new token type, simly define a class attribute whose
value is a regular expression recognising that token. E.g.
ident = r'[_a-zA-Z][_a-zA-Z0-9]*'
number = r'[0-9]+'
If you want number token to have an integer value rather than a
string, define the process_number function.
def process_number(state, val):
return int(val)
Some tokens (e.g. comments) need not be processed at all. Wrap
their rules in the silent() function. E.g.
comment = silent(r'#.*')
Use the functions istart() and xstart() to define inclusive and
exclusive start conditions (with the same meaning as in GNU flex).
If you want to add a start condition to a token rule, write COND
>> rule. If you want a token rule to change the current start
condition, write rule >> COND (None if you want to clear the start
condition). E.g.
STRING = xstart()
start_string = r'"' >> STRING
string_body = STRING >> r'[^"]*'
end_string = STRING >> '"' >> None
The token objects yielded by the scan() method have a number of
useful attributes:
val and strval. By default they are both equal to the string
recognised by the token, but val can be changed if a
process_token() function was defined (see example above).
toktype. This is the token's type. Token types are created
automatically at the creation of the Lexer subclass, and are
accessible as class attributes. Each token type has a name
class __metaclass__(type):
def __new__(cls, name, bases, attrs):
tokentype = attrs.pop('tokentype', TokenType)
init_state = attrs.pop('init_state', State())
start = {True:[], False:[]}
separators = attrs.pop('separators', ())
order = list(attrs.pop('order', ()))
if separators:
start_sep = xstart()
attrs['__SEP__'] = start_sep
rules = []
for key, value in attrs.items():
if isinstance(value, StartCondition):
value.name = key
elif key[0] != '_' and isinstance(value, (basestring, Rule)):
attrs[key] = r = rule(value)
if separators:
if key in separators:
r = start_sep >> None >> r
if not hasattr(r, 'new_start'):
r = r >> None
if not hasattr(r, 'new_start'):
r = r >> start_sep
r.name = key
scanner_maker = ScannerMaker(start[True], start[False], init_state)
def rule_priority(rule, default=len(order)):
return order.index(rule.name)
except ValueError:
return default
for r in rules:
if r.silent:
default_process = lambda state, val: None
default_process = lambda state, val: val
process = attrs.pop('process_' + r.name, default_process)
if getattr(process, 'wrap', True):
if not r.silent:
toktype = tokentype(r.name)
process = toktype.wrap(process)
attrs[r.name] = toktype
if hasattr(r, 'new_start'):
process = scanner_maker.change_start(process,
scanner_maker.add_rule(r.regexp, process, r.start_seq)
attrs['scanner'] = scanner = scanner_maker.get_scanner()
attrs['scan'] = scanner.scan
return type.__new__(cls, name, bases, attrs)
def nowrap(f):
"Decorator to prevent the lexer for wrapping a process function"
f.wrap = False
return f
def rule(obj):
"Ensure obj is a Rule object (got to check when this is useful)."
if isinstance(obj, Rule): return obj
return Rule(obj)
def silent(r):
"make a rule 'silent', i.e. it will not produce tokens"
r = rule(r)
r.silent = True
return r
def xstart():
"Return a new exclusive start condition"
return StartCondition(False)
def istart():
"Return a new inclusive start condition"
return StartCondition(True)