This came from a discussion on the python-ideas mailing list. The
file here) defines a function
that can be used to decorate functions so that
their arguments become positional only (i.e. they can't be given as
keywords). Below are a few examples of how this can be used.
Here are some examples of use:
>>> @posonly ... def f(x, y=1): return x, y ... >>> f(1)(1, 1)>>> f(1, y=2)Traceback (most recent call last): File ">>> f(x=1)", line 1, in ? TypeError: f() got an unexpected keyword argument 'y' Traceback (most recent call last): File ">>> @posonly ... def update(self, container=None, **kwargs): ... "Pretend function" ... return self, container, kwargs ... >>> # self and container can be used as keyword argument names ... update('self', 'container', self=1, container=2)", line 1, in ? TypeError: f() got an unexpected keyword argument 'x' ('self', 'container', {'self': 1, 'container': 2})>>> # There is still a way to access posonly args by name... ... f(**{'x@':'spam'})('spam', 1)>>> # @posonly preserves __doc__ and __name__ ... # Positional only arguments are followed by a '@' ... help(update)Help on function update in module __main__: update(self@, container@, **kwargs) Pretend function>>>